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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center
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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center
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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps

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Oceania/Other : ANNONCE


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Love & Peace

09 Feb 2022
Chers membres du club de timbres de Polynésie française,
Bonjour. Un salut chaleureux à tous. Merci d'avoir lu cette annonce. Cette année, nous organisons un concours de timbres sur le premier timbre de la Polynésie française (1862, voir ci-dessous). Vous enquêterez et rédigerez un document de recherche. C'est une tâche difficile car les informations sont très limitées sur ce timbre. Tous les articles de recherche doivent être soumis avant le 1er mai 2022. Le gagnant recevra le prix du philatéliste de l'année et fera une présentation de son article de recherche lors de notre conférence annuelle. Bonne chance à tous. Nous vous souhaitons bonheur et bonne santé. Merci.

......(QSE TRANSLATION)......

Dear French Polynesia Stamp Club members:
Hello. A warm greeting to everyone. Thank you for reading this announcement. This year, we will have a stamp competition on French Polynesia's first stamp (1862, see below). You will investigate and write research paper. This is a difficult task because the information is very limited on this stamp. All research paper must be submitted by May 1 2022. The winner will receive Philatelist of the Year award and will do a presentation of his or her research paper at our annual conference. Good luck everyone. We wish you happiness and good health. Thank you.
Image Not Found

Image Not Found
Tevaini Nuira, Public Relations
French Polynesia Stamp Club.

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace

18 Feb 2022

Chers membres du club de timbres de Polynésie française:
Bonjour. Comment vas-tu? Nous vous envoyons nos salutations en ce beau week-end. Aujourd'hui, nous avons une annonce. Nous avons acheté une feuille de luxe composée de 1968 (épreuve). Nous poursuivons cet objet rare depuis 16 ans. Aujourd'hui, cette mission est accomplie. Nous ne pouvons pas vous dire combien vaut cet article sur un site Web public, mais nous pouvons vous dire qu'il est très cher. Il n'en existe que 14 dans le monde.
Nous avons acheté cet objet dans un musée à Paris. Nous tenons à remercier nos gestionnaires et notre comité d'avoir rendu cet achat possible. Nous tenons également à remercier La Poste de Paris pour son aide. Un merci particulier à nos Professeurs et Philatéliste Interne pour leurs conseils. Cet article sera affiché dans notre musée une fois que notre conseil d'administration l'aura approuvé. Merci d'avoir lu notre annonce. Nous espérons que cette bonne nouvelle égayera votre journée. Merci. Amour et paix.

.......(QSE TRANSLATION).......

Dear French Polynesia Stamp Club members,
Hello. How are you? We are sending our greeting to you on this beautiful weekend. Today, we have an announcement. We purchased a 1968 compound deluxe sheet (proof). We have been pursuing this rare item for 16 years. Today, that mission is accomplished. We cannot tell you how much this item is worth on a public website, but we can tell you it is expensive. There are only 14 exist in the world.
We purchased this item from a museum in Paris. We want to thank our managers & committee for making this purchase possible. We also want to thank the Paris Postal Service for assisting us. A special thank you for our Professors & Internal Philatelists for their advice. This item will be display in our museum once our Board of Directors approves. Thank you for reading our announcement. We hope this good news brighten your day. Thank you. Love & peace.

Image Not Found
Catalog: Scott 233/9.....Yvert 52/8
Place: French Polynesia
Year: 1968
Item: Compound Deluxe Sheet.
Condition: Proof
Quantity: 14

Image Not Found
Tevaini Nuira, Public Relations
French Polynesia Stamp Club

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Collector, Webmaster

19 Feb 2022

Félicitations pour votre achat de ce bel objet très rare. Ce sera un ajout merveilleux à votre collection.

Cordialement... Tim

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

19 Feb 2022

Je toujours desire d'ecoter le Francais avec un accent Australian.

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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Love & Peace

25 Feb 2022

Chers membres du French Polynesia Stamp Club:

Bonjour à tous. Un salut chaleureux à tous. Aujourd'hui, nous avons une annonce. Nous avons invité nos philatélistes et professeurs internes à la discussion de Stamporama. Nous pensions que les deux groupes pouvaient partager leur expérience avec tout le monde. De plus, leurs compétences hautement analytiques répondront à de nombreuses questions et mystères. Nous leur souhaitons une belle réussite. Ils font la force de notre club de timbres. Merci d'avoir lu cette annonce. Merci de profiter du beau week-end. Je vous souhaite amour et paix.


Dear French Polynesia Stamp Club members:

Hello all. A warm greeting to everyone. Today, we have an announcement. We have invited our Internal Philatelists and Professors to Stamporama's discussion. We believed both groups can share their experience with everyone. Furthermore, their highly analytical skills will answer many questions & mysteries. We wish them a great success. They are the strength of our stamp club. Thank you for reading this announcement. Please enjoy the beautiful weekend. Wishing you love and peace.

Image Not FoundImage Not Found
(L) Internal Philatelists......(R) Professors

Image Not Found
Tevaini Nuira, Public Relations
French Polynesia Stamp Club

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace

16 Apr 2022

Bonjour les membres du club de timbres de Polynésie française:
Notre site Web de timbres s'est développé avec succès. Merci aux spécialistes Internet et à l'ingénieur logiciel. Notre site Web sera lancé la semaine prochaine. Maintenant, nous effectuons une transition et notre personnel est occupé à transférer des données et des informations sur notre site Web. C'est la cinquième fois que nous mettons à jour notre site Web et cela a été difficile. Comme vous le savez, internet n'est disponible que sur 1/3 de notre île. Il nous a fallu plus d'un an pour mener à bien ce projet.

Nous encourageons tout le monde à publier des articles sur notre site Web. C'est gratuit et l'inscription n'est pas nécessaire. Vous pouvez poster un article sans souci. Il n'y a pas de censure, de suppression partielle ou de modification. Votre liberté d'expression est protégée par la Constitution française. En raison d'un incident récent, nous reviendrons sur notre site Web. Nous voulons vous protéger afin qu'il n'y ait pas d'autre incident. À partir du 19 avril, nous ne publierons plus d'articles ici. La connexion Internet Tahiti-Amérique du Nord sera interrompue. Vous pourrez poster votre article directement via votre connexion internet tahitienne. Merci.

Image Not Found
Delphine Kiipuhia, Directeur/Professeur
Club des timbres de la Polynésie française

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Collector, Webmaster

16 Apr 2022

Au revoir. Bonne chance.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "


16 Apr 2022

Kinda sad that their feelings were hurt by whatever the recent contretemps was. I thought their approach and opinions were interesting, but perhaps lost in the cultural transition.


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Members Picture

16 Apr 2022


Who ever caused this upset, why do they not own up to it and apologize.

This does not look well for Stamporama. Sad Blushing

There is enough upset in the world without us adding more.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

16 Apr 2022

I really hope it wasn't when I said I don't read their posts any more, there are many posts I don't read since the subject matter is rarely of interest in certain areas. If it was me, I really do heartily apologize, really no harm was meant. I think the main problem occurred when some of their posts were partially edited, but that is the right of the monitors to do so if they see fit. I cannot remember any instance that should have caused this reaction. Someone did comment on their club structure but I don't remember that as being that bad. We cannot afford to lose members at this time and I heartily wish they would reconsider and return!!

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"You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there - George Burns"
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Collector, Webmaster

16 Apr 2022

According to the announcement above, they have been working on an upgrade to their own website for over a year. They have been planning on moving back to posting on their own website all along, which is completely appropriate, so their decision to return to posting on their own website has got nothing to do with anything that was posted here by any of us. They were just using us temporarily.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Retired Consultant APS#186030

16 Apr 2022

Seems like they really objected to the edit that was done on their post on the Discussion Board.

They state:

"Vous pouvez poster un article sans souci. Il n'y a pas de censure, de suppression partielle ou de modification. Votre liberté d'expression est protégée par la Constitution française."

However, even in France, public Boards are not protected from edit. Discussion Boards have their own rules and can apply them as they wish. What they call censorship we call Edits, and even in France it is not protected. Of course they can do whatever they please on a private board, and I wish them luck.

I must add that we do seem to intervene more frequently on the discussion board, as compared to intervening on Approval or even the Auction Boards. This is not at all objectionable for most of us. Actually, I wish we saw more intervening here on the other two, where rules are ignored. (but our moderators are too busy). Defective stamps not properly identified is certainly objectionable to most of us.


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

16 Apr 2022

Ralph, the Discussion Board Moderators do not moderate over the sales area, except for the classified ads.

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Retired Consultant APS#186030

16 Apr 2022

Michael...I meant platforms, and I was referring to moderators of Auctions and Approvals.
I understand it is a tedious job, and without feedback from the members, it is hard to see how moderators could catch all problems.


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."


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Love & Peace
09 Feb 2022

Chers membres du club de timbres de Polynésie française,
Bonjour. Un salut chaleureux à tous. Merci d'avoir lu cette annonce. Cette année, nous organisons un concours de timbres sur le premier timbre de la Polynésie française (1862, voir ci-dessous). Vous enquêterez et rédigerez un document de recherche. C'est une tâche difficile car les informations sont très limitées sur ce timbre. Tous les articles de recherche doivent être soumis avant le 1er mai 2022. Le gagnant recevra le prix du philatéliste de l'année et fera une présentation de son article de recherche lors de notre conférence annuelle. Bonne chance à tous. Nous vous souhaitons bonheur et bonne santé. Merci.

......(QSE TRANSLATION)......

Dear French Polynesia Stamp Club members:
Hello. A warm greeting to everyone. Thank you for reading this announcement. This year, we will have a stamp competition on French Polynesia's first stamp (1862, see below). You will investigate and write research paper. This is a difficult task because the information is very limited on this stamp. All research paper must be submitted by May 1 2022. The winner will receive Philatelist of the Year award and will do a presentation of his or her research paper at our annual conference. Good luck everyone. We wish you happiness and good health. Thank you.
Image Not Found

Image Not Found
Tevaini Nuira, Public Relations
French Polynesia Stamp Club.

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace
18 Feb 2022


Chers membres du club de timbres de Polynésie française:
Bonjour. Comment vas-tu? Nous vous envoyons nos salutations en ce beau week-end. Aujourd'hui, nous avons une annonce. Nous avons acheté une feuille de luxe composée de 1968 (épreuve). Nous poursuivons cet objet rare depuis 16 ans. Aujourd'hui, cette mission est accomplie. Nous ne pouvons pas vous dire combien vaut cet article sur un site Web public, mais nous pouvons vous dire qu'il est très cher. Il n'en existe que 14 dans le monde.
Nous avons acheté cet objet dans un musée à Paris. Nous tenons à remercier nos gestionnaires et notre comité d'avoir rendu cet achat possible. Nous tenons également à remercier La Poste de Paris pour son aide. Un merci particulier à nos Professeurs et Philatéliste Interne pour leurs conseils. Cet article sera affiché dans notre musée une fois que notre conseil d'administration l'aura approuvé. Merci d'avoir lu notre annonce. Nous espérons que cette bonne nouvelle égayera votre journée. Merci. Amour et paix.

.......(QSE TRANSLATION).......

Dear French Polynesia Stamp Club members,
Hello. How are you? We are sending our greeting to you on this beautiful weekend. Today, we have an announcement. We purchased a 1968 compound deluxe sheet (proof). We have been pursuing this rare item for 16 years. Today, that mission is accomplished. We cannot tell you how much this item is worth on a public website, but we can tell you it is expensive. There are only 14 exist in the world.
We purchased this item from a museum in Paris. We want to thank our managers & committee for making this purchase possible. We also want to thank the Paris Postal Service for assisting us. A special thank you for our Professors & Internal Philatelists for their advice. This item will be display in our museum once our Board of Directors approves. Thank you for reading our announcement. We hope this good news brighten your day. Thank you. Love & peace.

Image Not Found
Catalog: Scott 233/9.....Yvert 52/8
Place: French Polynesia
Year: 1968
Item: Compound Deluxe Sheet.
Condition: Proof
Quantity: 14

Image Not Found
Tevaini Nuira, Public Relations
French Polynesia Stamp Club

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Collector, Webmaster
19 Feb 2022


Félicitations pour votre achat de ce bel objet très rare. Ce sera un ajout merveilleux à votre collection.

Cordialement... Tim

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
19 Feb 2022


Je toujours desire d'ecoter le Francais avec un accent Australian.

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...
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Love & Peace
25 Feb 2022


Chers membres du French Polynesia Stamp Club:

Bonjour à tous. Un salut chaleureux à tous. Aujourd'hui, nous avons une annonce. Nous avons invité nos philatélistes et professeurs internes à la discussion de Stamporama. Nous pensions que les deux groupes pouvaient partager leur expérience avec tout le monde. De plus, leurs compétences hautement analytiques répondront à de nombreuses questions et mystères. Nous leur souhaitons une belle réussite. Ils font la force de notre club de timbres. Merci d'avoir lu cette annonce. Merci de profiter du beau week-end. Je vous souhaite amour et paix.


Dear French Polynesia Stamp Club members:

Hello all. A warm greeting to everyone. Today, we have an announcement. We have invited our Internal Philatelists and Professors to Stamporama's discussion. We believed both groups can share their experience with everyone. Furthermore, their highly analytical skills will answer many questions & mysteries. We wish them a great success. They are the strength of our stamp club. Thank you for reading this announcement. Please enjoy the beautiful weekend. Wishing you love and peace.

Image Not FoundImage Not Found
(L) Internal Philatelists......(R) Professors

Image Not Found
Tevaini Nuira, Public Relations
French Polynesia Stamp Club

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace
16 Apr 2022


Bonjour les membres du club de timbres de Polynésie française:
Notre site Web de timbres s'est développé avec succès. Merci aux spécialistes Internet et à l'ingénieur logiciel. Notre site Web sera lancé la semaine prochaine. Maintenant, nous effectuons une transition et notre personnel est occupé à transférer des données et des informations sur notre site Web. C'est la cinquième fois que nous mettons à jour notre site Web et cela a été difficile. Comme vous le savez, internet n'est disponible que sur 1/3 de notre île. Il nous a fallu plus d'un an pour mener à bien ce projet.

Nous encourageons tout le monde à publier des articles sur notre site Web. C'est gratuit et l'inscription n'est pas nécessaire. Vous pouvez poster un article sans souci. Il n'y a pas de censure, de suppression partielle ou de modification. Votre liberté d'expression est protégée par la Constitution française. En raison d'un incident récent, nous reviendrons sur notre site Web. Nous voulons vous protéger afin qu'il n'y ait pas d'autre incident. À partir du 19 avril, nous ne publierons plus d'articles ici. La connexion Internet Tahiti-Amérique du Nord sera interrompue. Vous pourrez poster votre article directement via votre connexion internet tahitienne. Merci.

Image Not Found
Delphine Kiipuhia, Directeur/Professeur
Club des timbres de la Polynésie française

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Collector, Webmaster
16 Apr 2022


Au revoir. Bonne chance.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "


16 Apr 2022


Kinda sad that their feelings were hurt by whatever the recent contretemps was. I thought their approach and opinions were interesting, but perhaps lost in the cultural transition.


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holocauststampsproje ...
Members Picture

16 Apr 2022



Who ever caused this upset, why do they not own up to it and apologize.

This does not look well for Stamporama. Sad Blushing

There is enough upset in the world without us adding more.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
16 Apr 2022


I really hope it wasn't when I said I don't read their posts any more, there are many posts I don't read since the subject matter is rarely of interest in certain areas. If it was me, I really do heartily apologize, really no harm was meant. I think the main problem occurred when some of their posts were partially edited, but that is the right of the monitors to do so if they see fit. I cannot remember any instance that should have caused this reaction. Someone did comment on their club structure but I don't remember that as being that bad. We cannot afford to lose members at this time and I heartily wish they would reconsider and return!!

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"You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there - George Burns"
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Collector, Webmaster
16 Apr 2022


According to the announcement above, they have been working on an upgrade to their own website for over a year. They have been planning on moving back to posting on their own website all along, which is completely appropriate, so their decision to return to posting on their own website has got nothing to do with anything that was posted here by any of us. They were just using us temporarily.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Retired Consultant APS#186030
16 Apr 2022


Seems like they really objected to the edit that was done on their post on the Discussion Board.

They state:

"Vous pouvez poster un article sans souci. Il n'y a pas de censure, de suppression partielle ou de modification. Votre liberté d'expression est protégée par la Constitution française."

However, even in France, public Boards are not protected from edit. Discussion Boards have their own rules and can apply them as they wish. What they call censorship we call Edits, and even in France it is not protected. Of course they can do whatever they please on a private board, and I wish them luck.

I must add that we do seem to intervene more frequently on the discussion board, as compared to intervening on Approval or even the Auction Boards. This is not at all objectionable for most of us. Actually, I wish we saw more intervening here on the other two, where rules are ignored. (but our moderators are too busy). Defective stamps not properly identified is certainly objectionable to most of us.


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

16 Apr 2022


Ralph, the Discussion Board Moderators do not moderate over the sales area, except for the classified ads.

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Retired Consultant APS#186030
16 Apr 2022


Michael...I meant platforms, and I was referring to moderators of Auctions and Approvals.
I understand it is a tedious job, and without feedback from the members, it is hard to see how moderators could catch all problems.


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

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