This is based on my collection, which is NOT COMPLETE and is a work in progress. Corrections will be made, and I encourage anyone with updated information to contact me. Several stamps remain a mystery!
In 1939 the first of the overprints was applied to Scott #7 in black. It consists of a Black Box with Yemen inscribed inside in Latin and Arabic as well as the number 4 in Arabic. The o/p is "type a"
This was followed in 1945-1955 by a number of similar and yet different Box overprints. These are some times hard to identify due to poor impression, minor differences or the existence of counterfeit stamps. The o/p are described as types "b", "c", "d" and "e"
The o/p "a" was applied to Sc # 31, 32, 33, 34 and 36. These are designated as Sc#44-48
The o/p "b" was applied to Sc # 31, 32, 33, 34. These were designated as Sc # 44a-47a
Now for the mystery!!!!
According to Scott the o/p "a" was also applied to Sc # 45, 46, 47, 48 but I have never seen such stamps.
They are designated as Sc # 59-62
The Steiner pages I use show instead the Hospital Inauguration stamps in 4B, 6B, 10B, and 14B, and I am not sure if these exist.
Earlier versions of the Scott Catalog show a reference to Sc #C29-C29D (5 stamps, including the 1Imad value) but these have a different o/p which is NOT the box overprint and that I will show later.
If I manage to update this information, I will publish and addendum late.
The following scan shows these overprinted stamps in my collection. (and the blank line for the mystery stamps)
This Box o/p was also applied in 1949 to the Mocha Coffee Tree stamps (Sc #53-58), using Box o/p "a", "b" and "d"
These are listed as Sc # 63("b"), 64("a"), 64a("b"), 64b("d"), 65("a"), 65a("b"), and 65b("d").
Finally the Box o/p was applied in1953 to 2 Postage Due stamps (J1-J2) in Box o/p "b" and "c". They are designated as Sc # 66. 66a, 67, 67a.
The following scan shows the stamps currently in my possession.
Finally in 1951 and in 1955 the Box overprint was applied to 3 stamps issued in 1951 depicting the parade grounds of Sana'a. (Sc # 68-70).
They are labeled #82 and 82 a ("b" and "c"), 86 and 87 in box "b" and 86a, 86b in box "c" and "e"
These are shown in the following scan
More to follow
In 1959 Yemen issued a number of special o/p series. These were intended for sales to foreign markets and not for use within Yemen.
There are 4 series of Regular issued Stamps with the special o/p. There may be some issued on Imperforated stamps, but I don't have any in my possession.
This is described in a footnote in Scott:
The stamps are described in the following 4 scans.
In Addition, 2 Air Mail series, with o/p of 1958 and 1959 respectively were issued.
These are described in a footnote in Scott:
The stamps are described in the following Scan:
These special o/p series are fairly easy to find, and should not offer much of a challenge to acquire. I am aware of at least one other o/p series Not described in Scott, that I will add to this discussion at a later time (I have ordered it, but not yet received it)
In 1963, additional o/p series were issued for both Regular and Airmail stamps. They are listed in Scott as Sc #166-176 and Sc # C29 to 29D respectively and are shown below in 2 scans.
Note that my collection has imperforated C29-C29D, and I am awaiting for the perforated stamps which I have on order.
This completes the write up on the o/p of EARLY Yemen stamps. Other series were also overprinted in the 1940-1970 time frame, but they offer less of a challenge and are well documented. They will not be included in this write up.
I hope this will help illustrate the various o/p on the early Yemen stamps that I am aware of, to facilitate the task of collecting them.
Additional information, if and when available may be added in the future.
One of the challenges of collecting early Yemen stamps (in contrast to later "wallpaper" stamps of the late 60s and 70s) is found in the various overprints that were applied to the first series of sets. While prices in the Scott catalog are usually quite reasonable, availability and authentification of the overprints can be a real challenge. The fun part comes from the number of parallel issues to commemorate a number of events that one can also collect. Scott may reference them but they are catalogued elsewhere as well.
Yemen has very convoluted history so I am not surprised if most collectors stay away. From a collector's stand point there are:
Yemen Arab Republic
Yemen Mutawakelite Kingdom
Yemen People's Democratic Republic
Yemen Republic
I only focus on the first one here.
I wrote before about some Yemen early stamp stories: https://stamporama.com/discboard/disc_ma ...
In order to explore the overprints, it is necessary here to give a warning about counterfeits, which abound, and about overprints of dubious origins. Also remember that the convoluted political landscape meant that the stock of some post office stamps were looted and available to opportunists to create printings intended for the collector trade. Most counterfeits are therefore on legitimate stamps, that were stolen.
Now to get to the o/p "fun part" I shall first review the standard stamps issued in the 1926-1950s period, that were eventually used for the overprints. I have include Yemen #1 to 3, not because it was overprinted, but because it is relatively rare, and counterfeits are more likely to be sold that authentic stamps.
Note also that many of the stamps are issued in perforated and imperforated series. I show the few I have, but I don't believe that o/p were applied to the imperforated ones, as I have not seen any.
The following are the selected pages from my collection. The overprints will be the subject of my follow up write up.
YEMEN: Stamps from 1926 to 1958 without overprints (does not include the 1948 UN series described in the link above).
The first set.1926
Stamps for common domestic and Foreign use. 1930-1, first and second sets of Arab Inscriptions
Anniversary of the Alliance of KSA, Iraq and Yemen. 1939
& the first o/p on 1930 stamp
1939-1940 Third and fourth sets of Arab inscriptions
Postal Due First set and Inauguration of Hospital set.
Mocha Coffee Tree and Palace of San'a set
Views of the Palace, not issued officially.
re: YEMEN: Fun and challenges of early YEMEN Stamps with Overprints. Part 1 to 3
This is based on my collection, which is NOT COMPLETE and is a work in progress. Corrections will be made, and I encourage anyone with updated information to contact me. Several stamps remain a mystery!
In 1939 the first of the overprints was applied to Scott #7 in black. It consists of a Black Box with Yemen inscribed inside in Latin and Arabic as well as the number 4 in Arabic. The o/p is "type a"
This was followed in 1945-1955 by a number of similar and yet different Box overprints. These are some times hard to identify due to poor impression, minor differences or the existence of counterfeit stamps. The o/p are described as types "b", "c", "d" and "e"
The o/p "a" was applied to Sc # 31, 32, 33, 34 and 36. These are designated as Sc#44-48
The o/p "b" was applied to Sc # 31, 32, 33, 34. These were designated as Sc # 44a-47a
Now for the mystery!!!!
According to Scott the o/p "a" was also applied to Sc # 45, 46, 47, 48 but I have never seen such stamps.
They are designated as Sc # 59-62
The Steiner pages I use show instead the Hospital Inauguration stamps in 4B, 6B, 10B, and 14B, and I am not sure if these exist.
Earlier versions of the Scott Catalog show a reference to Sc #C29-C29D (5 stamps, including the 1Imad value) but these have a different o/p which is NOT the box overprint and that I will show later.
If I manage to update this information, I will publish and addendum late.
The following scan shows these overprinted stamps in my collection. (and the blank line for the mystery stamps)
This Box o/p was also applied in 1949 to the Mocha Coffee Tree stamps (Sc #53-58), using Box o/p "a", "b" and "d"
These are listed as Sc # 63("b"), 64("a"), 64a("b"), 64b("d"), 65("a"), 65a("b"), and 65b("d").
Finally the Box o/p was applied in1953 to 2 Postage Due stamps (J1-J2) in Box o/p "b" and "c". They are designated as Sc # 66. 66a, 67, 67a.
The following scan shows the stamps currently in my possession.
Finally in 1951 and in 1955 the Box overprint was applied to 3 stamps issued in 1951 depicting the parade grounds of Sana'a. (Sc # 68-70).
They are labeled #82 and 82 a ("b" and "c"), 86 and 87 in box "b" and 86a, 86b in box "c" and "e"
These are shown in the following scan
More to follow
re: YEMEN: Fun and challenges of early YEMEN Stamps with Overprints. Part 1 to 3
In 1959 Yemen issued a number of special o/p series. These were intended for sales to foreign markets and not for use within Yemen.
There are 4 series of Regular issued Stamps with the special o/p. There may be some issued on Imperforated stamps, but I don't have any in my possession.
This is described in a footnote in Scott:
The stamps are described in the following 4 scans.
In Addition, 2 Air Mail series, with o/p of 1958 and 1959 respectively were issued.
These are described in a footnote in Scott:
The stamps are described in the following Scan:
These special o/p series are fairly easy to find, and should not offer much of a challenge to acquire. I am aware of at least one other o/p series Not described in Scott, that I will add to this discussion at a later time (I have ordered it, but not yet received it)
In 1963, additional o/p series were issued for both Regular and Airmail stamps. They are listed in Scott as Sc #166-176 and Sc # C29 to 29D respectively and are shown below in 2 scans.
Note that my collection has imperforated C29-C29D, and I am awaiting for the perforated stamps which I have on order.
This completes the write up on the o/p of EARLY Yemen stamps. Other series were also overprinted in the 1940-1970 time frame, but they offer less of a challenge and are well documented. They will not be included in this write up.
I hope this will help illustrate the various o/p on the early Yemen stamps that I am aware of, to facilitate the task of collecting them.
Additional information, if and when available may be added in the future.