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Oceania/Other : Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019


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Love & Peace

27 Oct 2021
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La Pacific Ocean Expo se tiendra en 2022. La date est indéterminée pour le moment. De nombreux clubs de timbres de l'océan Pacifique seront présents. Notre club de timbres prévoit d'y assister. C'est un grand événement et nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous. Merci de vous inscrire le plus tôt possible si vous y participez. Nous y participerons en tant que club du timbre de Polynésie française.

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Cet événement aura lieu à Fidji en raison de l'emplacement. Il s'agit d'un événement de deux jours. Il se concentrera uniquement sur les timbres de l'océan Pacifique. Il y aura beaucoup de monde, la plupart sont des insulaires. De nombreux pays insulaires du Pacifique seront présents. Voici la liste :

* Fidji
* Kiribati
* les Îles Cook
* Tonga
* Tuvalu
* Samoa
* Palaos
* Vanuatu
* l'ile de Norfolk
* Wallis et Futuna
* Micronésie
* Nouvelle Calédonie
* Nouvelle-Zélande
* Polynésie française
* Les îles Salomon
* Îles Mariannes du Nord
* Hawaii
* Nioué
* Guam
* Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée
* Australie

La liste sont les nations insulaires. Chaque nation insulaire enverra un club de timbres pour assister à cet événement. La liste est à jour. D'autres peuvent être ajoutés plus tard. Nous vous tiendrons au courant. Cet événement est organisé par le club du timbre de Fidji et le club du timbre de Palau. Ils ont consacré beaucoup de temps et d'énergie à ce merveilleux événement. Nous tenons à remercier le ministère de l'économie fidjien pour l'aide logistique et financière. Aujourd'hui, nous envoyons des formulaires à tous les membres. Veuillez remplir les formulaires si vous participerez à cet événement.

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Club de timbres de Polynésie française

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace

04 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Aux membres du club du timbre de Polynésie française,
Nous ne pouvons pas publier d'articles pendant un certain temps.

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Collector, Webmaster

05 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

If you wish to send your articles to me, I am happy to post them for you. We do enjoy reading about the happenings in the French Polynesia Stamp Club.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Love & Peace

06 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Thank you very much, Sir
We are in process of down loading several software programs & updating our system also.
This will make it easier for our writers to post articles here. StampoRama is a great website, majority of members seem to be English speakers, but they understand our articles through translation. Hopefully, the translation is accurate and relatable.

Wishing everyone happiness & peace Happy
French Polynesia stamp club

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace

09 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Veuillez remplir le formulaire si vous participez à l'Oceania Expo 2022. Nous devons recevoir le formulaire avant le 21 décembre. Voici quelques photos de la précédente Oceanis Expo. Merci.
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Image Not Found

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

09 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

The couple in the picture for the Pitcairn Island ran the stamp center for a long time. They retired several years ago. I have been unable to make contact with the company in the UK that is supposed to have taken that over. Do you know of anyone else handling Pitcairn Stamp new issues?

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Love & Peace

10 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Hi Michael,
Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau ended in 2019. Tower Mint in UK took over, but I don't know who take care new issues. Louise & Russell worked 16 years for Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau. They shared some projects with Philatelic Center of French Polynesia. They also networking with Fiji & Cook Island stamp clubs which very few people know about. The couple retired in 2019. We heard that Louise's health was in decline, but later recovered. That might be the reason why they retired.

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(Left - Right) Louise & Russell Watson with Moana & Vaihere. Pitcairn Islands shared booth with French Polynesia in New York's stamp Expo (2016).

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

11 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Thank you. I will try to get in touch with Tower Mint.

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Love & Peace

12 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

To all collectors who collect Pitcairn Islands stamps. You might want to read the message below. It was send to me from one of our club member.

Dear every person all,

You might be known the Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau have closed in 2019. Louise & Russell Watson are retirement in 2020. They work there 16 years and very care to every members. Russell send a goodbye message on 9-20-2020 on the Pitcairn Islands' website. They thank all members for the support and love for Pitcairn Islands. Russell said the worldwide demand for Pitcairn Islands stamp decrease lot in 2010 & continue decline very. He urged members not give up and stay strong. A very emotional message. Maybe not every members see goodbye message.

Many members unable to getting any reply from Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau because Russell have closed the e-mail & fax. The phone disconnect too. The service end and you must not use Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau. Tower Mint in England is take over Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau. Tower Mint will produce and issue every Pitcairn Islands stamps in the future. You can contact Tower Mint if you need buy Pitcairn Islands stamps or items.

Tower Mint already got your name, address, E-mail & you purchase history because Russell transfer members detail to them. He give your account to Mint Tower to continue good service. But Russell destroyed your credit card number for security + privacy. You must give credit card number to Mint Tower if buy next time.

Before Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau closed, Russell try finding some people to work, but no volunteer found. Russell & Louise depart and Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau closed forever. Maybe someday the Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau will return in future. So sorry for bring sad news but you need to know. Below is Tower Mint website.

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

13 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

I read the letter from the Watsons as I was a buyer of the Pitcairn year sets. I have never been able to make contact with Tower. I was unable to find their website, so thank you very much for the URL.

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Love & Peace

14 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

To all Pitcairn Islands stamp collectors,

2021 Pitcairn Islands stamps have not been released to the public.
However, Tower Mint Ltd planned to release them in 2022.
Here's the link that explained what had happened:

Image Not Found
Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau was taken over by Tower Mint in 2020.

(Modified by Moderator on 2021-11-14 21:40:45)

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace

18 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

One of our member received a good news from Tower Mint which took over Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau last year. Here's the letter from Tower Mint:

Dear Collector

The last 18 months or so has been an unprecedented time, with the worldwide pandemic affecting us all in some form or other. The pandemic has been a challenge to us all and subsequently it has been not possible to release a full commemorative stamp programme for 2021. However, we are delighted to announce the news today of two new Pitcairn Islands stamp issues for 2021.

20th November 2021 sees the first new issue from the Pitcairn Islands since February 2020, these six new stamps celebrate the 95th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The second new issue will follow on 4th December, this new issue pays tribute to HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, who sadly passed away earlier this year.

We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time and can assure you that next year will see a full stamp programme with new and exciting themes.

Image Not FoundImage Not Found
First Issue & Second Issue is on sale today !

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

19 Nov 2021
re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

I received the message today as well!

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Love & Peace
27 Oct 2021

Image Not Found
La Pacific Ocean Expo se tiendra en 2022. La date est indéterminée pour le moment. De nombreux clubs de timbres de l'océan Pacifique seront présents. Notre club de timbres prévoit d'y assister. C'est un grand événement et nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous. Merci de vous inscrire le plus tôt possible si vous y participez. Nous y participerons en tant que club du timbre de Polynésie française.

Image Not Found

Cet événement aura lieu à Fidji en raison de l'emplacement. Il s'agit d'un événement de deux jours. Il se concentrera uniquement sur les timbres de l'océan Pacifique. Il y aura beaucoup de monde, la plupart sont des insulaires. De nombreux pays insulaires du Pacifique seront présents. Voici la liste :

* Fidji
* Kiribati
* les Îles Cook
* Tonga
* Tuvalu
* Samoa
* Palaos
* Vanuatu
* l'ile de Norfolk
* Wallis et Futuna
* Micronésie
* Nouvelle Calédonie
* Nouvelle-Zélande
* Polynésie française
* Les îles Salomon
* Îles Mariannes du Nord
* Hawaii
* Nioué
* Guam
* Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée
* Australie

La liste sont les nations insulaires. Chaque nation insulaire enverra un club de timbres pour assister à cet événement. La liste est à jour. D'autres peuvent être ajoutés plus tard. Nous vous tiendrons au courant. Cet événement est organisé par le club du timbre de Fidji et le club du timbre de Palau. Ils ont consacré beaucoup de temps et d'énergie à ce merveilleux événement. Nous tenons à remercier le ministère de l'économie fidjien pour l'aide logistique et financière. Aujourd'hui, nous envoyons des formulaires à tous les membres. Veuillez remplir les formulaires si vous participerez à cet événement.

Image Not Found

Club de timbres de Polynésie française

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace
04 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Aux membres du club du timbre de Polynésie française,
Nous ne pouvons pas publier d'articles pendant un certain temps.

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Collector, Webmaster
05 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

If you wish to send your articles to me, I am happy to post them for you. We do enjoy reading about the happenings in the French Polynesia Stamp Club.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Love & Peace
06 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Thank you very much, Sir
We are in process of down loading several software programs & updating our system also.
This will make it easier for our writers to post articles here. StampoRama is a great website, majority of members seem to be English speakers, but they understand our articles through translation. Hopefully, the translation is accurate and relatable.

Wishing everyone happiness & peace Happy
French Polynesia stamp club

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
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Love & Peace
09 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Veuillez remplir le formulaire si vous participez à l'Oceania Expo 2022. Nous devons recevoir le formulaire avant le 21 décembre. Voici quelques photos de la précédente Oceanis Expo. Merci.
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Image Not Found

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

09 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

The couple in the picture for the Pitcairn Island ran the stamp center for a long time. They retired several years ago. I have been unable to make contact with the company in the UK that is supposed to have taken that over. Do you know of anyone else handling Pitcairn Stamp new issues?

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Love & Peace
10 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Hi Michael,
Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau ended in 2019. Tower Mint in UK took over, but I don't know who take care new issues. Louise & Russell worked 16 years for Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau. They shared some projects with Philatelic Center of French Polynesia. They also networking with Fiji & Cook Island stamp clubs which very few people know about. The couple retired in 2019. We heard that Louise's health was in decline, but later recovered. That might be the reason why they retired.

Image Not Found
(Left - Right) Louise & Russell Watson with Moana & Vaihere. Pitcairn Islands shared booth with French Polynesia in New York's stamp Expo (2016).

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

11 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

Thank you. I will try to get in touch with Tower Mint.

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Love & Peace
12 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

To all collectors who collect Pitcairn Islands stamps. You might want to read the message below. It was send to me from one of our club member.

Dear every person all,

You might be known the Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau have closed in 2019. Louise & Russell Watson are retirement in 2020. They work there 16 years and very care to every members. Russell send a goodbye message on 9-20-2020 on the Pitcairn Islands' website. They thank all members for the support and love for Pitcairn Islands. Russell said the worldwide demand for Pitcairn Islands stamp decrease lot in 2010 & continue decline very. He urged members not give up and stay strong. A very emotional message. Maybe not every members see goodbye message.

Many members unable to getting any reply from Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau because Russell have closed the e-mail & fax. The phone disconnect too. The service end and you must not use Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau. Tower Mint in England is take over Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau. Tower Mint will produce and issue every Pitcairn Islands stamps in the future. You can contact Tower Mint if you need buy Pitcairn Islands stamps or items.

Tower Mint already got your name, address, E-mail & you purchase history because Russell transfer members detail to them. He give your account to Mint Tower to continue good service. But Russell destroyed your credit card number for security + privacy. You must give credit card number to Mint Tower if buy next time.

Before Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau closed, Russell try finding some people to work, but no volunteer found. Russell & Louise depart and Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau closed forever. Maybe someday the Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau will return in future. So sorry for bring sad news but you need to know. Below is Tower Mint website.

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

13 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

I read the letter from the Watsons as I was a buyer of the Pitcairn year sets. I have never been able to make contact with Tower. I was unable to find their website, so thank you very much for the URL.

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Love & Peace
14 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

To all Pitcairn Islands stamp collectors,

2021 Pitcairn Islands stamps have not been released to the public.
However, Tower Mint Ltd planned to release them in 2022.
Here's the link that explained what had happened:

Image Not Found
Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau was taken over by Tower Mint in 2020.

(Modified by Moderator on 2021-11-14 21:40:45)

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."
Members Picture

Love & Peace
18 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

One of our member received a good news from Tower Mint which took over Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau last year. Here's the letter from Tower Mint:

Dear Collector

The last 18 months or so has been an unprecedented time, with the worldwide pandemic affecting us all in some form or other. The pandemic has been a challenge to us all and subsequently it has been not possible to release a full commemorative stamp programme for 2021. However, we are delighted to announce the news today of two new Pitcairn Islands stamp issues for 2021.

20th November 2021 sees the first new issue from the Pitcairn Islands since February 2020, these six new stamps celebrate the 95th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The second new issue will follow on 4th December, this new issue pays tribute to HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, who sadly passed away earlier this year.

We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time and can assure you that next year will see a full stamp programme with new and exciting themes.

Image Not FoundImage Not Found
First Issue & Second Issue is on sale today !

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"Love & Peace. Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs. Que l'amour et la paix soient avec toi. Merci."

19 Nov 2021

re: Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau end 2019

I received the message today as well!

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